Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

Our group is still having a great experience at the Western States Youth Gathering. Yesterday, all of the youth groups at the gathering had the opportunity to go throughout the community and collect canned, boxed, and paper goods for the Manna Food Bank, and our group participated fully. Two of us even got to share our stories of the day to the rest of the youth at the gathering at the night worship service (Maddy A, and Riley V). Today, everyone is sporting their red, white, and blue in honor of mrs. Alexander’s favorite holiday. The CLU campus was filled with different activities, our personal favorite being the dunk tank where we got to dunk our very own Pastor Larry! Now, we are getting ready to head over to the Oaks Mall, where the whole gathering will get to watch the night’s fireworks. Ascension Lutheran is definitely making themselves known and hopefully making you proud at the Western States Youth Gathering.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much everyone!!! You are right it is my favorite holiday :) Love and miss you all, Mrs. Alexander
